Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sponsor Me!

This is the picture I took yesterday after receiving it from the Meat Free Athlete company. This is also the picture I posted on Twitter last night. Within FIVE MINUTES, I had been told I was looking great by the MFA founder, a vegan cook who published five books AND an athlete sponsored by Vega (my dream!) I was riding a high all night long feeling like a mini celebrity, and it carried over to today. I kept thinking to myself, "SPONSORSHIP!!!!" and as feeling so great in my Nike outfit that I also thought, "Nike paid me to wear those clothes, and I need to do them justice!" It's amazing how far a few mind games can go...

I wish I could say everything was perfect right now, but one unfortunate thing has put a damper on me. I'm thankful that I can always turn anger into fuel and put a positive spin on things. The female trainer (we might as well just call her "nemesis" from now on...) as standing near a machine I wanted to use. Her foot was on the pad, but honestly, that doesn't mean that she was using it. I came up from behind and said, "Can I get in here?" She ignored me, although I KNOW she heard me. A second time, and then she whipped her head around and snapped, "I'm working here." Wow, ooooookay, way to prove the rumors about her poor attitude correct. So sad that she's a graduate from the program for which I now work.

I had a great rest of the workout after shaking it off because I thought to myself, "Guess what, you may be intimidated by me or not like me, but I'm not going ANYWHERE." I'll be there every day, sometimes twice. No better revenge than success, eh?

I ran into a guy who I hadn't seen in about six weeks, and he couldn't stop commenting on how my arms were "all ripped up" - love it! I told him about the Vega and Plant Fusion proteins I use, and he's totally interested in trying them! I could be an ambassador after all ;)

It's been really great to have people asking about my journey, seeking tips and following me on Twitter. I hope it keeps going! Tonight I had a fantastically clean and simple dinner that makes me feel sad for "plain chicken and broccoli" bodybuilding. Pssh, my food is way better!

Nighty night, time to recover and rebuild!

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