Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kiss Me, I'm Irish!

I haven't said much about Jezabel, but she's my sweet, wiggly, eight-year-old Cocker. I got dressed up in some St. Patty's swag to take her to the dog park with a girl who I met here.

It was another gorgeous mid-70s day here, but I had to spend some time inside in the gym. I went to Anytime, my "old" gym that I don't go to much anymore. I knew it would be practically deserted, and I was right. I also had to check the scoreboard, and yes, it was confirmed that I won last month's challenge with 57 burpees in three minutes!

I saw something that helped me train harder this morning. It was the story of a pit bull whose ears were clipped with scissors and who tried to chew her own leg off to get out of a chain. I bought the "Rescue" shirt to support her recovery, but I was so angered that I was able to turn that into fuel and increase weight on a couple exercises. I also did the heavy ropes longer than intended. Thinking about the pain that animals endure reminded me that any pain I go through will never be that bad. Poor babies :(

On a much lighter note, the staff member was encouraging when I told him about the competition. Everyone else has an (unsolicited) opinion, but he basically said, "You have the muscularity, you're just trying to lean out now, right? You should do great at that and have fun. If nothing else, it'll make you better." And then...he asked if I had sponsorships and said to tell them if I needed any help. I was already thinking I'll make a pitch to both gyms, but really I want to be part of Team Vega more than anything else!

I was starving when I left, but the scale said 126! I'm on my way to leanness!!! I cam home to a slightly more green than normal lunch, which included guacamole stuffed poblanos. That was after I downed my double-the-beets spinach smoothie. I downed half pre-workout and half post, and I think that'll be my new approach.

Speaking of beets, I purchased a "powered by beets" shirt today, along with some meatfree athlete and dog rescue shirts. I love being a walking slogan :)

I've been thinking a lot about motivation, and it seems to align with some of what I'm reading in Brendan Brazier's Thrive Fitness (autographed copy from eBay, what what!) I have incredibly high intrinsic motivation, but it seems to run out immediately. There's not slow decline - I'm on top of the world and then a total sloth. I try to remind myself that I'm an unstoppable, save the world every day, type A perfectionist and should cut myself some slack once in a while,'s hard. The two things I don't want to happen during this journey are 1) injury and 2) burnout. I'm hoping this isn't a bad sign of things to come...

Going to bed early so I can wake up even earlier than normal for heavy leg day before an 8:00 dentist appt.

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